Teaching staff

Elettra Stradella


Elettra Stradella is Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Pisa (Department of Law), where she currently teaches European Law & Gender, Comparative Public Law, Multiculturalism and legal systems. She has been President of the “Comitato Unico di Garanzia” (Equal Opportunities Committee) ofthe University of Pisa since 2017 to 2021, and she currently coordinates the University of Pisa Gender Equality Plan Team (appointed by the Rector).
Before joining the Department of Law, she has been research fellow at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa (2010/2011), Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of Gothenbourg, School of Business, Economics and Law (2010), and Post-Doc fellow at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pisa (2008/2010). She holds a PhD from the University of Pisa (2007), and an Excellence Degree (with honors) in PublicAdministration from the Scuola Sant’Anna (2004), after the Masters’ Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration (with honors) from the University of Pisa. She’s author of more than 120 publications: among them, two authored books (on freedom of expression in Europe and USA, 2008, and semi-presidential systems in Europe, 2013), several edited books in Italian and in English (on law and technology, Welfare policies in Europe, right to health), and several articles on top Italian and international journals, even concerning gender issues.She has also coordinated the JMO Module ELaN (2019-2022).

    Ruth Rubio Marin

    Teaching Staff

    Ruth Rubio-Marìn is Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Seville, Spain and at the School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute - EUI (Florence, Italy). Finally, she is the Director of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Multiculturalism at the International University of Andalucia (Spain).From 2008 until 2016, she was Chair of Constitutional and Public Comparative Law and Director of the LL.M. programme in 2008- 2011 at the EUI. Over the past twenty years, she held courses and seminars in several fields, such as, inter alia, Constitutional Theory, Comparative Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Transitional Justice, Gender and Human Rights, Constitutions and the Treatment of Gender, Accommodation of Cultural Diversity in Liberal Societies, The Gender of European and Constitutional Jurisprudence. Additionally, in 2018 and 2019 she took part in Training Seminars, assessing interdisciplinary topics. She has delivered distinguished lectures and keynote speeches in some of the world leading academic institutions. In such fields, she has published an extensive corpus of international publications.

      Stefano Osella

      Teaching Staff

      Stefano Osella is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at University Bocconi, Milan. Previously, he has attended a post-doc at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department of Law and Anthropology, in Halle (Saale), Germany. He was Post-doctoral Global Fellow at the New York University School of Law. He obtained a doctorate in law with a specialization in public comparative law from the European University Institute, Florence. He has published in top international peer-reviewed journals in the field of LGBTQI+ rights, equality, and cultural approaches to law. He is developing a strong interest in the field of legal technology, especially as applied to gender and sexual equality.

        Barbara De Micheli

        Teaching Staff

        Barbara De Micheli is one of the Coordinators and Head of the Social Justice Unit in Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. She is Learning Facilitator, Senior Project manager and Senior Researcher on projects dealing with fundamental rights, industrial relations, social security issues, gender equality, discrimination, access to employment, social and labour policies. She has designed and coordinates since its first edition the advanced training course Master in Gender Equality and Diversity Management (14 editions in 10 years, among which one at EU level). In the last 5 years she has been actively involved in Gender Equality Plans implementation. She holds a PHD in Labour Innovation and development from Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

        Mara Malagodi

        Teaching Staff

        Mara Malagodi is a Reader in Law at Warwick Law School, University of Warwick, UK. She holds her Doctorate, MA in 
        South Asia Area Studies, and BA (Hons) in 
        Nepali & Politics from the University of London (SOAS) and was a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She is a scholar of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, a non-practising barrister in England and Wales, and an award-winning documentary filmmaker. Dr Malagodi is a comparative constitutional lawyer and socio-legal scholar with a linguistically-informed specialism in South Asian law and politics, human rights law, gender and law, legal history, and law and film. She is the author of several monographs  and numerous other publications. Dr Malagodi is on the expert roster of iProbono and ROLE UK, has worked as an external consultant for various United Nations agencies, and has been teaching at the Diplomatic Academy of the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office.

        Angioletta Sperti

        Teaching Staff

        Angioletta Sperti is Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Pisa where she teaches Comparative Constitutional Law. Her main research interests include constitutional justice, comparative law, human rights and non- discrimination law. She graduated cum laude at University of Pisa, holds an Ll.M from UCLA (USA) and a PhD cum laude from Scuola S. Anna. She regularly contributes to articolo29.it, a legal website on the advancement of LGBT rights in Italy and is managing editor of GenIUS, an Italian law review on gender and sexual orientation equality. She is currently Chair of the Democracy Hub and Work Package coordinator within Circle-U, an alliance of European Universities that the University of Pisa joined in 2021.

        Valentina Bonini

        Teaching Staff

        Valentina Bonini is associate professor of Criminal Procedure at the University of Pisa, where she currently teaches Criminal Procedure; Restorative Justice; Criminal Justice and Corporate liability.
        She graduated with honors at University of Pisa and holds a PhD with honors from Scuola Sant’Anna. Lawyer and member of the training committee of the Bar of Lucca, she teaches in the High School for Judges. Member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, she is currently in the working-group on Restorative Justice and Gender-Based Violence and drafted the official position paper of the EFRJ on the issue. Delegate of the University of Pisa in the network for the prevention of male violence against women, she has been the consultant of the Equal Opportunity Committee of the University of Pisa

        Valentina Calderai

        Teaching Staff

        Valentina Calderai is Associate professor of Private law and European Private Law at the University of Pisa; her research interests range from European private law (contracts, property rights, consumer protection) to the regulation of biotechnologies and bioethics (informed consent, personal autonomy, property rights in human body, reproductive technologies), with a comparative, historical, theoretical, and gender-based approach. She is Member of the Council of the European Law Institute (ELI), Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module European Health Law and Technology (ELaTe, 2020-2023), and Scientific Coordinator of the Partner unit of the project A Precision mEdiciNe-baSed frAMework to pediatric patients with chronic dIseases (Pensami), Funded by the Region of Tuscany. She holds undergraduate degrees (M.Sc.) in Law (University of Florence) and Philosophy (University of Urbino), and a Ph.D in private law (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna).

        Saulle Panizza

        Teaching Staff

        Saulle Panizza is full professor of Constitutional Law at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Pisa. As Director of the University Center for the Innovation and the Dissemination of Culture (CIDIC) of the University of Pisa and Scientific Director of the Laboratory of Constitutional Culture, he has been coordinating high-level scientific dissemination projects, aimed at schools and more generally at citizenship. He has gained significant organizational experience, inter alia, as a member of the Committee for the evaluation of the performances and results of the technical-administrative staff, University of Pisa, as Vice-director of the Department of Political Sciences, University, as president of master’s degree in Public Administration, Rector’s Delegate for the administrative personnel, and as Director of the CIDIC, University of Pisa.

        Natalia Margarita Rueda Vallejo

        Teaching Staff

        Natalia Rueda is Professor of Civil Law, Family and Children Law at the Externado de Colombia University. She holds a PhD in Legal Sciences (curriculum in Private Law), Summa Cum Laude and International Doctoral Mention at the University of Pisa (2019), and a five years Degree in Law at the Externado de Colombia University (2015). She has been Visiting Professor at University of Pisa in 2022 and Visiting Researcher at the Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF), University of Utrecht in 2017 and 2018.
        In 2021, she won the “Antonio Restrepo Barco Award” for the best research book about family studies in Colombia. In 2020, she won the award “Analysis and contrast of the gender stereotypes” Tuscany Region, Italy, with a research article about the intrafamily torts for domestic violence. She is fellow of European Law Institute (ELI) within the Family and Succession Law Special Interest Group and member of the International Network of Constitutional Family Law (INCFL).

        Francesca Martines

        Teaching Staff

        Francesca Martines is associate Professor of EU and International Law at the University of Pisa. After graduating (cum laude) at the Faculty of Political Sciences – University of Florence, in 1987, she obtained a PhD in Law at the European University Institute, Florence (1993). She has obtained the national scientific qualification to function as full professor (January 2020).
        She has been responsible for international and European Law courses at the University of Florence, and Pisa. She is current member of a PhD Programme in International Law and EU law at the University of Pisa where she supervises Ph.D theses. She participated in several Research Projects of national interest (financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research) and she is part as teaching staff of three current Jean Monnet programmes at University of Pisa

        Elisabetta Catelani

        Teaching Staff

        Elisabetta Catelani is full professor of Public Law at the University of Pisa since 2000. Director of the Interdepartmental Centre "Frontier Law and Technology". AS 2021 Vice-President Italian Constitutional association (AIC). As of 2019 -present component Technical Legislative Committee, Marche Region 
        The topics now at the center of her studies and research are gender issues, the organization of government and public administration, the sources of law with particular attention to the formation of acts also with regard to the ascending phase of European policies, regional law, social rights with a focus on the right to health. Aspects of the new technologies analyzed with regard to all the topics listed above.


        Elettra Stradella (coordinator)
        University of Pisa, Department of Law

        Palazzo Ricci
        Via del Collegio Ricci n. 10

        +39 0502212805

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